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Instant Chocolate Burfi

chocolate burfi featured
  • Prep Time
    5 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    25 Mins
Instant Chocolate Burfi



    chocolate burfi is the very famous burfi in northern India. This burfi is consumed in any ocassion. It is made of chocolate and mawa.

    chocolate burfi step 1

    Take a heavy-bottomed pan. Set the flame on low- medium. Take four tablespoons of desi ghee (clarified butter). Let it melt on low flame.

    chocolate burfi step 2

    As soon as the ghee melts, add 1 cup full cream milk in melted ghee.

    chocolate burfi step 3

    Add 200 gm milk powder gradually to ghee and milk mixture and keep stirring it so that no lumps are formed.

    chocolate burfi step 4

    When milk powder is mixed with ghee and milk properly, it takes the texture of mawa or khoya. Now its time to add sweetness to it. Though milk powder has sweetness so the quantity of sugar may be adjusted accordingly. I have added 3/4th cup of powdered sugar. Keep stirring.

    chocolate burfi step 5

    When sugar is mixed with mawa, it starts releasing the moisture, stir it for few minutes until mawa thickens. It's time to turn off the flame and divide the mawa in two portions. Tranfer the 3/4th mawa in another vessel.

    chocolate burfi step 6

    Remaining 1/4th of mawa is left in the pan. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to it and mix it well.

    chocolate burfi step 7

    Take a container of your choice in which you want to set the burfi and grease it with ghee.

    chocolate burfi step 8

    Now put the first layer of white mawa into this container.

    chocolate burfi step 9

    and then put all the chocolate (brown) mawa on the top of white mawa and spread it all over evenly. Keep it on room temperature for an hour .

    chocolate burfi step 10

    As soon as burfi is set, Cut it into desirable pieces and decorate with your favourite nuts.

    chocolate burfi step 12

    now you can put some dry fruits on it to look amazing and your burfi is ready to eat

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